are you ready to
create more
adaptable, robust,
& ultimately more
coachable players.
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Join Creating Coachable Players - an online athlete & player development program designed to help you prepare your athletes for the game of Baseball -reducing risk of injury, raising the ceiling of potential and setting your athletes up for long-term success.
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Jeff Krushell
Hi I'm Jeff Krushell, Sports Science & Athlete/Player Development Specialist and founder of Krush Performance.
I have been asked for years from coaches to put together a resource such as this course and I am excited to share my knowledge and insight I have gathered over the past 30 years.
This resource is meant to help you become an even better coach and help connect the dots between athlete development and player development, ultimately raising your athlete's ceiling of potential.

"Krusher is "world class" in every area of performance, strength & conditioning as well as overall athletic development. Jeff has shaped, guided and led our athletic development program both on and off the field for 16 years. His expertise has directly impacted 100's of our student-athletes careers. Not only has Jeff made this impact within our program but has made this impact throughout the world with Major League Baseball.
Thanks for all you do for this great game Krusher. "Once a Jet....Always a Jet!”
- Les McTavish
Head Coach Vauxhall Academy of Baseball

"My experience with Jeff covers many years of clinics, workshops and academies in International baseball.
Jeff is passionate, professional and knowledgeable- with the skills and ability to transfer his knowledge to a wide variety of people of all ages.
His transformational style enhances successful outcomes for the coaches, players and his clients."
- Pat Doyle,
Former Coordinator of MLB’s International coaching programs in Europe and Africa. Elected to the ABCA HOF in 2019.

"To develop the best and compete with the best, you must have the best. That’s why we have used Jeff Krushell as our Athlete Development and Sports Performance Specialist for well over 10yrs now.
Jeff’s approach to both athlete and human performance is unlike anything else in the industry. It defies the traditional model of performance management and uses a highly specialized holistic approach that focuses on all aspects of the athlete and the person."
- Manny M. Schmidt,
President & CEO Link Management International NHLPA Certified Player Agent
It's important for coaches to understand the ebb and flow of athlete development and how it links and supports player development and in game performance.

Before we go any further I want to talk about who this course is for:
- IF you are volunteer coach who like so many others out there wear all the hats - this course will be invaluable.
- IF you head up a more advanced program and have assistant coaches or a performance team this course will give you an understanding that will allow you to better delegate & guide your entire athlete/player development program.
- IF you are part of a major High School, University or College program this course may get you thinking about things you have never thought of before - pushing the performance of program to new heights.
- THIS course is for ANYONE coaching in the game of baseball
- at any level. - IF you are looking to Improve Your Players Performance
- Short Term & Long Term - IF you are looking to REDUCE your players risk of Injury
This course is for you if...
You are looking to learn the key strategies for athlete/player development.
Coaching is one of the most noble forms of leadership. As a leader you are responsible for many moving parts of your team/organization along with creating the "culture", the environment, leadership and goal setting just to name a few. By the end of this course you will have a deeper understanding of all of the above, as well as, the fundamentals of the Top Priorities and Key Strategies for Athlete/Player Development and Performance to take your coaching to the next level.
You want to expand your knowledge and learn how to prepare your players for the game.
As a coach there is one thing you must understand, the athlete comes first. By the end of this course you will understand why 'The Athlete' must be addressed before before 'The Player' if you want to maximize development and performance while at the same time reducing the risk of injury and raising your players ceiling of potential both short term and long term.
You want to run a GREAT program and truly contribute to the development of each and every player you coach.
The best coaches know: WHAT to do, WHEN to do it, for HOW LONG and with WHO it best applies. As athletes grow, mature and develop there are "critical periods of development" we should focus on in terms of athlete & player development. By the end of this course you will understand why the big picture is so important to coaching & player development.
I Want To Make It Clear
-this course IS NOT-
about hitting drills, fielding drills or pitching.
As Coaches we are often limited in how much we can help our players
because they can't do what we need them to do.
This Course Is About:
Helping YOU create more adaptable, more robust, more durable... and ultimately more coachable players for you to coach.
Getting your players ready for those drills
Getting your players ready for the game of baseball.
Improving your players athleticism and reducing their risk of injury.
Preparing them for the game as athletes so you can coach them to new heights as players!

"Everything I do is to help athletes tap into their
potential as players."
Why Learn From Jeff?
- My passion for maximizing human sport performance in elite sport started in my university years. In my spare time I would volunteer to work with varsity teams, olympic athletes and national teams training at the university facilities.
- Over the years my career continued to grow in the world of high performance sport guiding athletes of all levels, from amateur to the professional.
- In the last 30 years as a Strength and Conditioning Talent Development Specialist, I have worked with professional sport organizations in baseball, football and the NHL, including my time with the Toronto Blue Jays as their Strength & Conditioning Specialist as well as the former Edmonton Eskimos.
- I am proud to have been involved at the global game development level working with the MLB International programs supporting organizations across Europe, Africa, Mexico, the USA, New Zealand and with Baseball Canada.
- Now pro teams all over the world fly me in to speak to their organizations, players fly in to meet and I do consulting with agents.
- Not to mention the 16 years we have broadcast the Krush Performance Radio show and now the podcast is on most streaming platforms.

Have You Ever Wondered Why the Injury Rates in Sport Are So High?
Right now, we are experiencing some of the highest injury rates ever recorded in every single age group - INCLUDING the professional levels.
Have You Noticed the Drop Out Rates in Sport?
We have historically high drop out rates especially at some of the most critical periods of development.
Or have you ever wondered - have we maxed out human performance?
There are incredible things going on in sport right now but I don't think we are even close to maxing out human performance. In fact I am sure of it! And if that is the case where does the next level of performance come from?
I've studied this for years. I've broken it down, reversed engineered it, put it back together and there are a couple of common themes that always makes an appearance. Coaching and Long-Term Development.
These are massive themes with countless moving parts. But if you trace it back to a starting point - it all begins with an understanding of how to prepare your players to be coached.
Here is what we know...
This is one of the most exciting times in the history of sport.
- We can raise the ceiling of potential for each of your players,
- Push your team to new heights of performance,
- And set your organization up for continued success.
I know we can do this because I've been a part of it. I've seen it first hand and I have helped put it all together time and time again.
And that is exactly what I want to share with you right here in "Creating Coachable Players" - Key Strategies for Player Performance and Injury Prevention in Baseball
I created this course to help fill a HUGE gap that exists in the sporting landscape.
Why Did I Build Creating Coachable Players?
First, I have been asked for years by coaches all over the world if I had a coaching resource for them.
It has been a huge undertaking but I finally have a coaching resource I am proud to share with all coaches.
Second, I created this course to fill a huge gap that exits in the sporting landscape. The absence of proper athlete preparation for the game of baseball has resulted in historically high injury rates and lower levels of
talent development - at every level of sport. I have seen it first hand - globally.
HOW and WHAT you coach today not only impacts your players and their performance right now
but it can impact the next level of coaching as to what can be coached and developed next, from grassroots & youth to developmental & elite right to the professional level.
Understanding the levels of development and what your responsibilities are as a coach, at every level of the game,
is crucial to overall player development.
You need a strong base before moving forward to build the next level of development.
For this reason it was important to build levels in "Creating Coachable Players".
Choose Your Coaching Level
CCP Level One
New & Grassroots Coaches
Recommended for coaching 6 to 12 years of age
Level one helps to support coaches who are new to the sport and for those coaching grassroots or youth baseball. The topics covered will be invaluable to start you off on the right foot.
CCP Level Two
Dedicated & Development Coaches
Recommended for coaching 12 to 16 years of age
This level is for coaches who are dedicated to coaching. Coaches who have been involved in coaching for a number of years and plan to continue coaching players at the developmental levels and into the high performance pathways of the game. Coaches who may be coaching their kids team year after year or who are passionate about giving back to their community and the game.
Level Two will help guide you through the growth and development of your players from year to year and it may just get you thinking about things you may not have thought of before – pushing the performance of your program to new heights.
"Creating Coachable Players" is for anyone coaching in the game of baseball -
Choose the level that is right for you at this moment. You can always take the next level as you expand your coaching knowledge. We will be adding to each level of the program continuously as we work together to solve problems and help our players develop and perform.
Inside Each Level...
Each CCP level consists of modules that contain smaller manageable video lessons.
√ Downloadable worksheets
√ Video Library: Drills & Exercises
√ Audio Files
√ Resource page
√ Work at your own pace
√ Mobile and tablet friendly

Grassroots Coaches
Level 1
Coaching ages 6-12yrs
3 Modules
11 Lessons
Go at your own pace
Pause lessons, return anytime
7 Downloadable pdfs
Audio files
Grassroots DRILLS
Plus a growing Resource page

Developmental Coaches
Level 2
Coaching ages 12-16yrs
4 Modules
20 Lessons
Go at your own pace
Pause lessons, return anytime
12 Downloadable pdfs
Audio files
DRILLS for Development levels
Plus a growing Resource page
More About The Levels Below
Click on the dropdown to view a brief description for each level.
Level 1 - Grassroots Coaches
Level 2 - Development Coaches
Coaches drive the entire development system - they impact the fate of every athlete and player.
Gain a deeper understanding about the ebb and flow of athlete development, how it supports and links to player development and in-game performance.
Imagine the opportunities you could create.

Choose The Coaching Level That's Right For You
I have packed a ton into Creating Coachable Players for you, I have seen first hand the difference short & long term athlete development has had on players, clubs and organizations.
Don't Wait! Dive into the lessons today.
If you're not completely satisfied that CCP will not help raise your level of coaching or help you support and strengthening your club or organization, let us know no later than the completion of your 3rd lesson and before you open your 4th lesson and we'll be happy to issue you a refund and cancel your account moving forward.
Please note the deadline is firm and no refunds will be issued after your 4th lesson is opened.